Kudo Box
Anything that has real and lasting value is always a gift from within. — Franz Kafka
A gift from within is an intrinsic motivation, which is more valuable and lasting longer than extrinsic motivation.
People has the need to be recognized by your peers. Kudobox is a tool facilitating this.
As we have four teams around the world, I will show you an online way:
- When anybody in the company feels your peer deserve a recognition, like, he fixed your dev environment, share some knowledge to you, teach you some new skills, etc. You can send she/he one kudo card;
- Visit http://kudobox.co/, choose a card and write done the specific reason on it;
- Share the card into your chat group and mention the receiver, like slack, so team members can react on this;
- At weekly meeting, there will be someone to take out all kudo cards and announce it publicly;
- Optional, Send some little presents to the top winners.
Demo: http://kudobox.co/kudos/0SNrUvaYfwaoxfNLfKbu91w.png
- Don’t promise rewards in advance.
- Keep anticipated rewards small.
- Reward continuously, not once.
- Reward publicly, not privately.
- Reward behavior, not outcome.
- Reward peers, not subordinates.
More details in https://management30.com/practice/kudo-box/