Softwares for OSX

7 minute read

Some softwares used in my Mac :) updated: 2017-05-18

Integrated with

B stands for home brew, C stands for home brew cask, each app sorted with the priority.


  1. Homebrew( install CLI apps;
  2. Homebrew Cask(laptop): install GUI apps;
  3. Java(C): java runtime;
  4. GoAgent( proxy management;
  5. HostsTools( GFW Hosts
  6. Google Chrome(C);
  7. Ulysses(MAS): markdown editor;
  8. AppCleaner(C): uninstall softwares;
  9. Movist(C)/MplayerX(C): play video;
  10. Netease Music(C): play online music;
  11. iStat Menus(C/L): cpu, mem, network monitoring;
  12. Dropbox(C): cloud storage;
  13. Fliqlo(C): screen protection;
  14. SwitchHosts(C):;
  15. Disk Cleaner Suite(MAS): the small set of clean my mac;
  16. TinkerTool( edit apple hidden settings, configure in cask before;
  17. youtube-dl(B): videos;
  18. you-get(B): videos;


  1. Wechat(MAS): chat with friends, can be replaced with electronic-wechat(C);
  2. Slack(C): team cooperation chat;
  3. AliWangwang(C): shopping chat;


  1. Xcode(laptop): base programing system;
  2. git(laptop): teamwork coding;
  3. tmux(laptop): manage multiple screens;
  4. zsh(laptop): amazing shell;
  5. oh-my-zsh( amazing shell extension;
  6. iTerm2(C): extend terminal;
  7. ag(laptop)/ack(B): simple and fast search;
  8. htop(B): process monitor, need sudo;
  9. wget(B): download;
  10. pyenv(B): manage python versions;
  11. ipython(B): wonderful python;
  12. Pycharm(C/L): amazing IDE for Python web developing;
  13. MacVim(C): extend vim;
  14. Sequel Pro(C): mysql client;
  15. Charles(C/L): Network Monitoring for phone;
  16. httpstat(B): network monitoring for curl;
  17. diff-so-fancy(B): good-looking’ diffs;
  18. m-cli(B): Swiss Army Knife for macOS;
  19. Dash(C/L): API documentation browser;
  20. Marmoset(Chrome): code highlight;
  21. Virtualbox(C): install other os system, like ubuntu(dev env) and windows;
  22. Mindnode Pro(C:mindnode-pro): organize things;
  23. Kaleidoscope(C): file compare;
  24. Robomongo(C): mongodb GUI client;
  25. SQLiteManager(C): sqlite GUI client;
  26. adr-tools(B): Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records;
  27. tig(B): interactive git;
  28. axel(B): replace of curl and wget;
  29. fzf(B): replace of find;
  30. Sz/rz(B): replace of scp;
  31. cloc(B): code stats by type;


  1. 1Password(C/MAS): password management;
  2. Sogou Input Method(C): input method;
  3. Alfred(C/L): used for start up apps;
  4. Powerpack(Alfred): based on Alfred, used for extend workflow;
  5. Spectacle(C): windows manger;
  6. RescueTime(C): log and analyze working time;
  7. Go2Shell(C): directory to iTerm;
  8. QQ(C): capture screen and edit;
  9. CheatSheet(C): query mac commands shortcuts;
  10. MacID(C)/Near Lock: auto lock and unlock screen, replaced by Touch ID;
  11. Cactus(C): serve static files;
  12. Postman(Chrome): API console;
  13. Google Drive(Chrome): edit and share files;
  14. Text to ASCII Art(Chrome): make some ascii logo;
  15. TeamViewer(C): remote control;
  16. Microsoft Remote Desktop(MAS): login remote windows in Mac;
  17. TextExpander(C): extend system input;
  18. Clean My Mac(C): remove unused files;
  19. Camtasia(C): recording on-screen activity;
  20. Lantern(C): temp use for proxy;
  21. ABBYY FineReader(MAS): ocr tool;
  22. SiteSucker(C): download websites.

Custom settings

  1. dotfiles:;
  2. oh-my-zsh:;
  3. Update ~/~.gitignore for global;
  4. Sync typos:;
  5. Pycharm theme:;
  6. dot-vimrc: